Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Agreement Signed to Put VOA Programs on Sky Net Satellite TV to Burma

Agreement Signed to Put VOA Programs on Sky Net Satellite TV to Burma  

VOA Director David Ensor (center right) along with Myint Myint Win (center left), Managing Director of Sky Net, sign the agreement to broadcast VOA content to Burma. US Ambassador Derek Mitchell (right) looks on.
RANGOON, BURMA - Audiences in Burma will soon have a new way to watch Voice of America television programs following a breakthrough agreement between the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. government agency responsible for VOA, and Sky Net, a regional direct-to-home satellite provider.

The deal was signed Thursday in Rangoon by Voice of America Director David Ensor and Daw Myint Myint Win, managing director of Shwe Than Lwin Media Co. Ltd., which operates Sky Net.

Burmese government officials and Victor Ashe, a member of the BBG's governing board, attended the event. U.S. Ambassador to Burma Derek Mitchell called it "a point of progress in the development of a rich media culture."

Under the terms of the agreement, Sky Net will carry BBG content, starting with a new VOA Asia TV channel that will provide Burmese-language news, as well as English-language education, information and entertainment programs.

The line-up includes popular VOA music programs, as well as science shows and the English language news magazine program  On Assignment, which showcases VOA reporting from around the world and lets front-line journalists share their experiences from the field.

VOA Director Ensor thanked the government of Burma, BBG officials and the Sky Net management team for helping to arrange what he called an "historic event."   Ensor said he was "excited about the potential for expanding VOA's audience," and hoped viewers and listeners would communicate to VOA reporters, anchors and producers what they would like to see and hear.

Ashe had traveled to Burma with fellow Board members Susan McCue and Michael Meehan and Radio Free Asia President Libby Liu, along with a team of online technical experts to help Burma's fledgling Internet and mobile expansion efforts, as the country expands the scope of its international economic relationships.

"The leadership of BBG, RFA and VOA are committed to helping the people of Burma open up a free media during this historic time of democratic transition," the BBG delegation said in a statement. "On the heels of last month's historic visit by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, BBG board members and staff have been on the ground in discussions with the government officials, democracy leaders such as Aung San Suu Kyi, media companies and citizens looking to expand the free flow of information within Burma. Today's signing is another step to reach even more of the Burmese people through satellite television."

VOA broadcasts 25 hours of radio and three hours of TV per week into Burma, while RFA provides 21 hours of radio and 2.5 hours of TV, providing information in seven ethnic languages in addition to Burmese. According to recent research by Gallup, each week U.S. civilian international broadcasters reach 21% of Burmese age 15 and older across all languages, platforms and programs.

Earlier this year, Voice of America signed an  agreement that allows state-run radio and television in Burma to air VOA English teaching programs.

For more information about this release contact Kyle King at the VOA Public Relations office in Washington at (202) 203-4959, or write kking@voanews.com.  For more information about VOA visit the Public Relations website at  www.insidevoa.com, or the main news site at www.voanews.com.
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Senin, 03 Desember 2012

KPAI: Penuhi Hak Anak Penyandang Disabilitas

JAKARTA, SENATORINDONESIA.COM. Setiap 3 Desember di seluruh dunia diperingati sebagai hari bagi penyandang disabilitas. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menandatangani Konvensi Hak Penyandang Disabilitas di New York pada tahun 2007. Namun baru meratifikasi konvensi tersebut 4 tahun kemudian dengan undang-undang no. 19 tahun 2011. Ratifikasi dimaksudkan untuk memajukan, melindungi, dan menjamin kesamaan hak, kebebasan yang mendasar bagi semua penyandang disabilitas. Hal ini didasarkan pada pandangan bahwa setiap penyandang disabilitas harus bebas dari penyiksaan atau perlakuan yang kejam, tidak manusiawi, merendahkan martabat manusia, bebas dari ekploitasi, kekerasan, dan perlakuan semena-mena.  
Namun implementasi undang-undang mengenai hak-hak bagi penyandang disabilitas ini masih jauh dari harapan, baik pada penyandang disabilitas secara umum maupun pada anak penyandang disabilitas khususnya. 5 tahun setelah ratifikasi konvensi, kita masih menemukan bahwa pemenuhan hak anak dengan disabilitas masih belum optimal. Realitas ini bisa dilihat pada minimnya sarana dan prasarana pendidikan; banyak sekolah yang belum memiliki fasilitas jalan untuk siswa yang harus memakai kursi roda, jumlah sekolah luar biasa [SLB] dan jumlah guru untuk inklusi dan SLB juga belum sepadan dengan jumlah anak penyandang disabilitas. Data kemendiknas 2010, jumlah siswa berkebutuhan khusus baru sekitar 20% dari total 347.000 anak berkebutuhan khusus atau sekitar 75.000 siswa. Artinya masih banyak anak berkebutuhan khusus yang tak mengenyam pendidikan formal SLB.
Fasilitas kesehatan untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus masih belum memadai. Mereka membutuhkan fasilitas tumbuh kembang khusus agar memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan penghormatan atas integritas mental dan fisiknya berdasarkan kesamaan dengan orang lain. Anak tuna grahita (cacat ganda) misalnya, membutuhkan pembinaan dan pendampingan terus-menerus oleh tenaga kesehatan karena pada umumnya mereka sulit untuk hidup mandiri. Anak yang tinggal di daerah yang jauh atau terpencil lebih sulit mengakses fasilitas kesehatan karena tidak semua rumah sakit daerah memiliki layanan untuk anak disabilitas. Bahkan tidak semua anak dengan disabilitas berasal dari keluarga dengan kemampuan ekonomi memadai sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan khusus anak-anak mereka. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah pusat maupun daerah sebaiknya segera menyediakan fasilitas kesehatan untuk anak dengan disabilitas yang mudah diakses oleh seluruh masyarakat, terjangkau secara ekonomi serta berkualitas.
Pandangan masyarakat terhadap anak dengan disabilitas juga masih beragam, sebagian besar masih memiliki opini bahwa anak disabilitas atau penyandang cacat adalah beban keluarga. Bahkan pada daerah tertentu masih ditemui anak disabilitas dipasung atau dikurung di dalam rumah karena dianggap berbeda dengan anak-anak lainnya. Sosialisasi undang-undang dan peraturan terkait hak-hak penyandang disabilitas perlu ditingkatkan, agar masyarakat memahami bahwa anak disabilitas tidak boleh terkurangi hak-haknya seperti hak nondiskriminasi, kepentingan terbaik bagi anak, hak tumbuh kembang dan penghargaan terhadap pendapat anak.
Pemenuhan hak anak penyandang disabilitas merupakan tanggung jawab bersama yang harus dilakukan oleh negara, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Implementasi berbagai kebijakan terkait hak penyandang disabilitas yang telah dirumuskan hendaknya ditindaklanjuti secara serius oleh pemerintah agar anak-anak Indonesia penyandang disabilitas memperoleh hak-hak mereka.
Pada peringatan tahun ini, semoga anak dengan disabilitas di seluruh dunia, khususnya di Indonesia terpenuhi hak-haknya tanpa hambatan, sehingga dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan sehat, ceria dan tanpa diskriminasi.
Salam senyum anak Indonesia,
Sekretaris KPAI
Maria Advianti
Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI)
Indonesia Commission on Child Protection
Office: Jl. Teuku Umar 10-12, Jakarta 10011, Indonesia
Mobile; 0818 0729 3135
Phone: +62 21 31901446
Fax: +62 21 3900833
Website: www.kpai.go.id

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Official BMW fleet hand over to Singapore Sports Council for Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012


 Official BMW fleet hand over to Singapore Sports Council for Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012.

Full and Half Marathon runners stand a chance to win a brand new BMW X1 sDrive20i.

Singapore – BMW Asia today announced their continued sponsorship of the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012 (SCMS) for the second consecutive year, by providing more than 25 units of BMW cars, with a mixture including; the flagship BMW 7 Series, the BMW 3 Series sedan, as well as sports activity vehicles like the BMW X1 and BMW X5.

Mr Lim Teck Yin, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Sports Council, and Chairman of the SCMS 2012 Organising Committee said: “BMW’s continued support of the SCMS exemplifies how Corporate Singapore can be involved in sports events to engage their consumers in a meaningful way and help them live better through sports. Through its Pacers’ Programme and Team BMW – BMW has taken customer engagement to a deeper level. This builds brand awareness, affinity and loyalty in the long run. As we see more major sports events introduced in Singapore’s sports calendar, especially with the new Sports Hub opening in 2014, we encourage more companies to consider using sports as a channel to engage their customers.”

“BMW is pleased to be participating in the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012 for the second year. Contrary to popular belief, marathon running and BMW cars actually have a lot in common. While marathon runners aim to cover as much distance with as little energy spent, BMW cars are engineered to achieve more power without compromising on fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions thanks to the Efficient Dynamics technology,” said Mr Neil Fiorentinos, Managing Director of BMW Group Asia.

The philosophy behind the Efficient Dynamics technology comprises of a highly efficient engine through air and fuel management, minimised energy loss, lightweight design and superior aerodynamics. In principle, these are also core aspects of marathon running; proper breathing techniques, efficient use of energy and lightweight or aerodynamic running gear.

Apart from sponsoring the fleet, BMW Asia will also be providing a brand new BMW X1 sDrive20i for the runners of the Full and Half Marathon (more details as below).

BMW’s Participation in Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012
Similar as before, BMW Asia will be unveiling a series of initiatives aimed at further engaging participants and improving the race experience for SCMS 2012 runners, in the lead up to and during the race on 2 December 2012.
Runners of the Full and Half Marathon will also have a chance to win a brand new BMW X1 sDrive20i by joining Team BMW. This will be complemented with a series of activities including running clinics where runners will be given expert coaching to hone their technique and performance ahead of SCMS 2012.

BMW will also be sponsoring the pacers programme for Full Marathon runners to help them improve and achieve their personal bests. And as the official car, a fleet of more than 20 BMW cars will be deployed to provide medical, logistics and operational support on race day.

Win the BMW X1 sDrive20i
All Singapore citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents, who are 18 years and above as of the date they signed up for either the Full Marathon or Half Marathon race category of the SCMS 2012, will be eligible to win the BMW X1 sDrive20i simply by registering for Team BMW. A point system and random draw will then determine the lucky winner of the BMW X1 sDrive20i, which will be conducted on 12 December 2012.

The BMW X1 is a tremendously popular compact all-rounder that has proved to be a bestseller with more than 300,000 units already delivered worldwide. The stand-out position of the BMW X1 is also reflected in the many national and international prizes bestowed on the BMW X model in recognition for its designed, deriving characteristics and high safety levels, including; Readers’ Choice for Off-Roader of the Year by “OFF ROAD” magazine, Red Dot Designed Award 2011 and 5-star Euro NCAP safety rating, just to name a few.

Now, the new BMW X1 comes equipped with a more powerful engine powered by BMW TwinPower Turbo technology and a broad spread of BMW EfficientDynamics technology fitted as standard to give the sports utility vehicle the tools to further increase its lead over the competition in terms of sporting ability and efficiency.

For media enquiries, please contact:
BMW Group Asia
Corporate Affairs DepartmentSethipong Anutarasoti
Tel: +65 6838 9630
Email: Sethipong.anutarasoti@bmwasia.com

Daniel Chan
Tel: +65 6838 9639
Email: daniel.chan@bmwasia.com
Media Website: www.press.bmwgroup.com

The BMW Group
The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview
Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com

ACARA APINDO: Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD)

Sektor jasa memainkan peran yang semakin signifikan dalam perekonomian nasional dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Pertumbuhan nilai tambah dan pekerjaan di sektor jasa jauh lebih cepat dibanding sektor-sektor utama lainnya. Nilai output di sektor jasa berkembang hampir dua kali lebih cepat, sedangkan pekerjaan di sektor jasa meningkat lebih dari dua kali kecepatan yang dicatat sektor pertanian, manufaktur, dan pertambangan pada tahun 2000-an.

Hanya dalam waktu satu dekade, pangsa jasa terhadap PDB meningkat dari 44 persen menjadi lebih dari 50 persen, sedangkan pangsa pekerjaan di sektor jasa naik dengan besaran serupa, hingga sedikit kurang dari 50 persen dari semua pekerjaan yang tercatat di tahun 2010.

Pertumbuhan di sektor jasa sangat penting karena berkontribusi langsung terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Pertumbuhan sektor jasa juga sangat penting untuk menghindari timbulnya sumbatan dalam kegiatan usaha dan pembangunan nasional. Mengapa? Sebab sektor jasa merupakan "pelumas" yang membuat perekonomian berfungsi secara efektif, khususnya jasa keuangan, telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan distribusi.

Meski disadari bahwa peran sektor jasa sangat krusial, tampaknya belum ada perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak untuk mengembangkan sektor ini. Isu yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah mengenai kualitas dan efisiensi sektor jasa. Kualitas dan efisiensi sektor jasa akan memengaruhi biaya menjalankan usaha, iklim investasi, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan daya saing perekonomian Indonesia di kancah internasional.

Pengembangan sektor jasa memerlukan kerja sama seluruh pemangku kepentingan – pemerintah, swasta, dan akademisi – guna menciptakan pendekatan yang lebih strategik dan terintegrasi dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan pertumbuhan sektor jasa di Indonesia. Diperlukan pula riset-riset ekonomi dan diskusi sebagai input dalam rangka penyusunan kebijakan dan regulasi yang mendukung berkembangnya sektor jasa.

Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD) adalah sebuah forum bagi para pemangku kepentingan di sektor jasa, yaitu pemerintah, pengusaha, dan akademisi untuk mendiskusikan berbagai opsi reformasi untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi sektor jasa Indonesia.

APINDO mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk menghadiri forum publik pertama Indonesia Services Dialogue pada:

Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 30 November 2012
Waktu : 09.00 - 11.35 WIB
Tempat : Financial Hall, Financial Club Jakarta, Lt. 2, Graha CIMB Niaga, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta 12190
Acara & Pembicara : Lihat agenda

Untuk konfirmasi kehadiran, silakan mengirimkan e-mail ke: daniel.purba@apindo.or.id

Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD)
Public Forum on Competitive Services for Stronger Growth

9.00-9.05 Opening Remarks
Mr Chris Kanter, Vice Chairman, APINDO and Business Coordinator of the Indonesia Services Dialogue

9.05-9.20 Building Trade Competitiveness: Why Services Matter
Mr Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Trade

9.20-9.35 Investment in Services as a Driver of Growth
Dr Chatib Basri, Chair of BKPM (Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board)

9.35-9.50 The New Tourism Agenda
Dr Mari Pangestu, Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy

9.50-11.15 Tourism, Travel and Connectivity: Pathways to National Growth
High Level Interactive Panel Discussion
Moderator: Ms Alexandra Dress-Gross (Senior Financial Sector Specialist – World Bank Jakarta)

• Dr.Bambang Susantono, Deputy Minister for Transport
• Mr Emirsyah Satar, CEO Garuda Indonesia and Vice Chairman, Kadin Indonesia
• Professor Christopher Findlay, Executive Dean, School of Professions, University of Adelaide
• Mr Eka Ginting, Rimba Raya Conservation, Founder of Indo.com
• Hotel Sector representative

11.15-11.40 Emerging Priorities in the Indonesia Services Sector Agenda and Contributions from the Indonesia Services Dialogue
Moderator: Mr Chris Kanter
• Dr Yose Rizal, Head Economics Department, CSIS and Research Co-Coordinator, Indonesia Services Dialogue
• Mr Iman Pambagyo, Director General, International Trade Cooperation, Ministry of Trade and Lead Government Coordinator, Indonesia Services Dialogue
• Dr DjismanSimanjuntak, Chair, CSIS Foundation and Research Co-Coordinator, Indonesia Services Dialogue

12.00-13.30 Lunch

Rabu, 28 November 2012

IRMAN GUSMAN : ITB Harus Mampu Melahirkan Pemimpin yang Dapat Menjawab Tantangan Globalisasi

Ketua DPD RI Irman Gusman memberikan kuliah umum (stadium general) dihadapan mahasiswa Institut Tehnologi Bandung, Jawa Barat pada Rabu, 28 November 2012 bertajuk  “Kepemimpinan Nasional sebagai Variabel Penting dalam Menjawab Masa Depan Indonesia di Era Demokratisasi dan Globalisasi”.

Irman Gusman akan menekankan mengenai tantangan di era globalisasi saat ini. Menurutnya, kualitas mahasiswa menjadi faktor penting agar mampu bersaing dalam era kompetisi global, terutama dalam era teknologi informasi yang perkembangannya sangat pesat.

“Kunci kesuksesan masa depan ditentukan oleh kualitas sumber daya manusia saat ini. Dalam kompetisi global, sumber kemakmuran suatu negara sudah tidak lagi ditentukan oleh kekayaan alam yang melimpah, melainkan oleh kecerdasan (BRAIN), visi dan mimipi-mimpi besar (DREAM), semangat pantang menyerah (SPIRIT), dan rasa percaya pada kekuatan sendiri/kekuatan dalam negeri (CONFIDENCE)”, jelas Irman.

Lebih lanjut Irman mengatakan banyak kasus di beberapa negara, terutama di kawasan Afrika yang kekayaan alam melimpah namun tidak berbanding lurus dengan tingkat kemajuan dan kesejahteraan. Malah negara yang kaya justru mengalami paradoks sumber daya alam (the paradox of plenty) dimana negara-negara yang kaya itu terjebak pada konflik dan kekerasan, seperti yang terjadi di Pantai Gading (negara penghasil Kakao terbesar nomor satu di dunia), Ghana, Nigeria, dan sebagainya.

“Fenomena paradoks sumber daya alam biasanya disebabkan beberapa faktor, yakni salah manajemen (salah kelola), praktek korupsi, dan rendahnya sumber daya manusia di negara tersebut. Karena itu, salah satu kunci penting untuk memenangkan kompetisi masa depan adalah semua anak bangsa harus memiliki kemampuan sumber daya manusia yang unggul, karakter (jati diri), sekaligus juga penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi”, tambahnya.

Untuk itu, sebagai “Kampus Teknologi” ITB diharapkan mampu menjadi motor dan pioner untuk memajukan teknologi di Indonesia karena teknologi telah menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan manusia saat ini.

“Tugas Anda semua sebagai mahasiswa ITB adalah bagaimana ke depan Anda semua serius dan sungguh-sungguh dalam menggali ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi agar nantinya menjadi bagian dari penentu kemajuan bangsa” ungkapnya.

Selain memberikan kuliah umum di ITB, Ketua DPD RI Irman Gusman didampingi oleh Anggota DPD Jawa Barat, Prof. Dr. Muh. Surya, Amang Syafruddin, Ella Giri Komala dan KH. Sofyan Yahya juga melakukan kunjungan ke Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. ***

Melbourne Property: Brilliant HAWTHORN Apartment Living at its Brightest from $295,000


Melbourne Property: Brilliant HAWTHORN Apartment living at its brightest from $295,000

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40 -41 Jakarta 10210, INDONESIA


Selasa, 27 November 2012

BMW partners Science Centre Singapore in the new Science Time Capsule exhibition

Commonwealth Bank Indonesia Berikan Fasilitas Kredit Tambahan Rp90 Miliar kepada PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk

Jakarta, 9 Nopember 2012 – Commonwealth Bank Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari Commonwealth Bank of Australia (bank berkapitalisasi pasar terbesar di Australia), hari ini mengumumkan pemberian  fasilitas kredit tambahan (Term Loan facility) kepada PT. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (“BFI”) untuk jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun senilai Rp90 Miliar. Acara penandatanganan perjanjian pemberian kredit tambahan ini dilaksanakan pada 9 Nopember 2012 dan dihadiri oleh Tony Costa, President Director Commonwealth Bank Indonesia, Ian Whitehead, Director of Retail and Business Banking Commonwealth Bank Indonesia dan Francis Lay Sioe Ho, President Director BFI. Penerimaan dana dari pemberian fasilitas kredit ini akan digunakan BFI untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka.
“Commonwealth Bank Indonesia telah membina hubungan baik dengan BFI sejak Maret 2012 di mana sebelumnya BFI telah mendapatkan fasilitas kredit sebesar Rp100 Miliar dan saat ini kami senang dapat bekerja sama kembali dengan salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan
prestasi baik di Indonesia. Penyaluran tambahan kredit ini mencerminkan komitmen kami dalam mendukung perluasan usaha BFI dan fokus Commonwealth Bank Indonesia untuk terus mengembangkan bisnis Wholesale Banking kami,” ujar Tony Costa, President Director Commonwealth Bank Indonesia
BFI yang saat ini memiliki asset lebih dari Rp 6 triliun merupakan salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan go public terkemuka yang memfokuskan bisnisnya pada pembiayaan kendaraan bekas baik untuk komersial maupun non komersial. Selain itu, BFI juga melayani untuk pembiayaan  alat berat dan anjak piutang. Saat ini BFI telah memiliki lebih dari 100 jaringan cabang yang mencakup seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Dengan performa keuangan yang sehat serta pertumbuhan usaha yang konsisten, BFI telah banyak mendapatkan beberapa penghargaan dari Majalah Infobank, Forbes Indonesia, Majalah Investor, Asosiasi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Indonesia, dan lainnya sebagai salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan terbaik di Indonesia.
Tentang Commonwealth Bank Indonesia
Commonwealth Bank (PT Bank Commonwealth) adalah anak perusahaan Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) di Indonesia, sebuah institusi keuangan publik  terbesar di Australia yang telah hadir di Indonesia sejak tahun 1997. Dengan lebih dari 1.900 tenaga profesional di perbankan, Commonwealth Bank Indonesia saat ini melayani pelanggan melalui 91 cabang dan kantor di 32 kota di Indonesia, termasuk Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Bali, dan Sulawesi.
Commonwealth Bank Indonesia menawarkan beragam produk perbankan yang menarik, seperti tabungan, deposito, rangkaian produk investasi dan bancassurance, kredit modal kerja bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) dan korporasi, Safe Deposit Box (SDB), Call Centre 24 jam, serta Internet Banking bagi korporasi maupun individu dengan fitur khusus yang menawarkan keleluasaan bagi nasabah untuk menentukan tanggal transaksi, fitur standing order, dan pembelian reksa dana dengan diskon khusus.
Kartu ATM Commonwealth Bank Indonesia telah dilengkapi dengan fitur pembayaran tagihan dan pembelian serta akses ke jaringan BCA/Prima dan ATM Bersama yang menawarkan fleksibilitas, akses dan kenyamanan lebih bagi nasabah.  Nasabah Commonwealth Bank Indonesia kini dapat menikmati kenyamanan berbelanja di lebih dari 100.000 merchant melalui  jaringan Debit BCA/Prima dan Maestro serta bebas biaya transaksi di lebih dari 41.000 jaringan ATM Commonwealth Bank, ATM Bersama, dan ATM BCA/Prima di Indonesia.
Commonwealth Bank Indonesia juga telah meluncurkan aplikasi Mobile Banking dengan terobosan teknologi, fitur investasi serta fitur keamanan untuk memberikan keleluasaan serta kendali nasabah terhadap transaksi keuangan kapan pun di mana pun.  Aplikasi Mobile Banking ini memiliki fitur-fitur seperti transfer dana, fitur jual beli mata uang asing dengan rate khusus, juga membeli dan memonitor pertumbuhan reksa dana melalui perangkat smartphone. Mobile banking Commonwealth Bank Indonesia telah mendapat penghargaan dari Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) sebagai aplikasi Mobile Banking pertama dengan fitur investasi.
Kunjungi www.commbank.co.id untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Commonwealth Bank.

Tentang Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) Group
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) Group adalah bank terbesar di Australia dengan reputasi internasional, rating AA yang hanya dimiliki oleh 16 bank di dunia dan juga salah satu dari 19 bank teraman di dunia versi majalah Global Finance. CBA sudah beroperasi hampir satu abad lamanya, melayani lebih dari 10 juta nasabah di Australia, Selandia Baru, Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Jepang dan wilayah Asia Pasifik seperti Cina dan Vietnam. CBA Group di Australia kini telah memiliki 1.010 kantor cabang dengan didukung oleh 45.000 orang karyawan dan menawarkan beragam produk perbankan, investasi, asuransi, pialang dan jasa keuangan lainnya.
Di Indonesia, kehadiran CBA Group diwakili oleh tiga perusahaan.  Commonwealth Bank di sektor perbankan, Commonwealth Life di bidang asuransi jiwa, dan First State Investments Indonesia di bidang manajemen investasi.
Kunjungi www.commbank.com.au untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai CBA Group.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi:
Corporate Communications
Commonwealth Bank

Wennyta Soebroto
Assistant Manager, Corporate Communications
Wisma Metropolitan 2, 2nd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920
P. (021) 5296 1222 ext. 7276
F. (021) 5296 2495

Our vision is to be the finest financial services organization in Indonesia through excelling in customer service

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The most detailed analysis to date of how well rich nations have kept promises to provide poorer ones with funds to tackle climate change was released today. The research concludes that they have collectively failed to fulfil eight substantive pledges.

Published by the International Institute for Environment and Development — the study comes as countries prepare for the latest round of intergovernmental climate-change negotiations, which begin next week in Doha.

The wealthier nations promised in 2009 to provide developing countries with US$30 billion by the end of 2012, and said this should be “new and additional” finance balanced between support for adaptation and mitigation activities.  They made additional pledges about transparency, governance and the need to help the most vulnerable nations first.

But so far, only US$23.6 billion of the US$30 billion promised has been committed. And only 20 per cent of the fast start finance has been allocated to projects that will help poor nations adapt to a changing climate.

Less than half of the fast start finance is in the form of grants. The rest is loans, which means poor countries must repay with interest the costs of adapting to a problem they have not caused.

And rich nations have not provided enough transparent information to prove that their contributions are really new and not just diverted from existing aid budgets.

To examine transparency in more detail, the researchers evaluated donor nations across 24 measures. On the resulting scorecard, no donor nation scored more than 67 per cent.

“Without transparency about how and when rich countries will meet their climate finance pledges, developing countries are left unable to plan to adequately address and respond to climate change,” says co-author Timmons Roberts of Brown University in the United States, whose Climate and Development Lab led the research.

David Ciplet, also of Brown University, adds: “Only two of the ten donors we assessed are delivering their fair share of climate finance, based on their ability to pay and how much they have contributed to climate change through emitting greenhouse gases in recent decades.”

On these measures, Norway has performed best, providing five times its fair share. At the other end of the scale, both Iceland and the United States contributed less than half their fair share.

The broken promises will make it harder for developing countries to take seriously what richer nations say at the UN climate change talks, which take place in Doha, Qatar from 26 November to 7 December.

One way to restore trust would be for rich countries to channel their climate finance through funds that the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change set up as they have a governance structure with equal representation from developed and developing nations. Also critical will be to fulfil the US$30 billion promise by the end of the calendar year, and to ensure that this money is delivered to support projects in a timely manner.

This is something that, in 2010, all rich countries agreed should be a feature of funds through which they channel their climate finance. Yet, so far, rich nations have channelled only two per cent of the climate finance through these UNFCCC funds.

The poor track record of rich nations in meeting their fast start finance pledges has raised serious concerns that these countries will also renege on their bigger promise to ensure that US$100 billion flows to developing nations each year by 2020 to help them to respond to climate change.

“With trust in short supply, and little time to negotiate a global response to climate change, the UN talks need an injection of goodwill,” says Saleemul Huq of IIED. “The rich nations can provide this by making good on their past promises and showing the poorer nations that they are serious about working together to tackle this global challenge.”

Contacts for interviews:
Timmons Roberts 
David Ciplet 
Saleemul Huq S

Minggu, 25 November 2012

AUTO TROPHY 2012: Triple Success for BMW

The new BMW 3 Series Sedan, Luxury Line (10/2011)
"Auto Trophy 2012”: triple success for BMW.
“Auto Zeitung” readers vote for the new BMW 3 Series and the BMW 1 Series Convertible as their favourites. The BMW 5 Series print campaign wins the “Best Advertising” category.

Munich. In the "Auto Trophy 2012", the new BMW 3 Series was chosen as the most popular mid-range automobile, while the BMW 1 Series Convertible came out top in the "Convertibles up to 30,000 euros" category. The "Best Advertising" award also went to BMW - here readers of the automobile magazine "Auto Zeitung" showed a clear preference for the BMW 5 Series Touring campaign. The outstanding BMW result was rounded off with numerous other top 3 placements for the BMW 5 Series, the BMW 6 Series Gran Coupé, the BMW 7 Series and the BMW X1.

The award ceremony for the "Auto Trophy 2012" was held yesterday at the Meilenwerk in Düsseldorf. Representing the Munich-based premium automobile manufacturer and there to receive the trophies presented by TV host Barbara Schöneberger and "Auto Zeitung" editor-in-chief Volker Koerdt were BMW AG Head of Development, Dr. Herbert Diess, and Ian Robertson, Head of BMW Sales and Marketing.

Class victory in the "Auto Trophy" is the second renowned award for the new BMW 3 Series within a very short period of time, coming just a few weeks after it received the "Golden Steering Wheel" from "Bild am Sonntag" and "Auto Bild".  We presented the first BMW 3 Series in July 1975 - and the concept has remained unique ever since: a compact body featuring elegant design, powerful modern engines, classic rear-wheel drive and sporty suspension settings. Today's award is especially pleasing for us, confirming as it does that the new BMW 3 Series continues to perpetuate its success story in the model's sixth generation," said Dr. Herbert Diess, BMW AG Head of Development.

The new BMW 3 Series Sedan has been on sale worldwide since February 2012 and offers not only impressive athletic flair and efficiency as is typical of BMW but also a level of ride comfort and space which has been further optimised as compared to its predecessor model. Sporty, elegant lines and a re-interpretation of the characteristic front view give the BMW 3 Series an unmistakable appearance. The current model program includes five petrol and five diesel engine versions as well as the BMW ActiveHybrid 3. The intelligent all-wheel drive system xDrive is available for four models. The new BMW 3 Series Touring was also successfully launched in September. 31.4 per cent of "Auto Zeitung" readers voted for the BMW 3 Series as the top-ranking car in the mid-range category, putting it clearly ahead of the rest.

The BMW 1 Series Convertible established its lead in the "Convertibles up to 30,000 euros" category with a share of 22.5 per cent of votes cast. "We are very pleased to see that the BMW 1 Series Convertible has gone down so well with Auto Zeitung readers, now winning for the fourth time," said Dr. Diess.

The third award for "Best Advertising" was received by Ian Robertson, Head of BMW Sales and Marketing. This went to the BMW brand campaign "Dynamic performance starts in the mind". This cross-media campaign offers a novel interpretation of dynamic performance. Emotional visual worlds are presented to create a logical, harmonious connection between apparently contrasting themes. For BMW, dynamic performance means not just dynamic driving but also a dynamic and timeless way of thinking. The Munich-based creative agency Interone was responsible for the campaign, while the German print version was produced by Serviceplan, Hamburg.

The "Auto Trophy" was awarded for the 25th time this year. Over 110,000 "Auto Zeitung" readers took part in the vote, choosing their favourites from almost 400 current models in 30 categories.

For further questions please contact:

Corporate Communications
Bernhard Santer, Product Communications BMW Automobiles
Phone: +49-89-382-24360, Fax: +49-89-382-20626

Ralph Huber, Head of Product Communications BMW Automobiles
Phone: +49-89-382-68778, Fax: +49-89-382-20626

E-Mail: presse@bmw.de
Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.de

The BMW Group

The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles  and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview
Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Masyarakat Papua Desak Pemerintah Prioritaskan Pembentukan 3 Provinsi Baru di Papua

Ketua DPD RI Irman Gusman, Mendagri Gamawan Fauzi dan Gubernur Papua Barat
Ketua DPRD Papua Barat, Jimly D. Ijie, Ketua DPD RI Irman Gusman, Wakil Ketua DPD RI GKR Hemas, Ketua DPRD Papua, Ketua Komite I Alirman Sori.

Ketua DPRD Papua Barat, Jimly D. Ijie, Gubernur Papua, Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi, Ketua DPD RI Irman Gusman, Wakil Ketua DPD RI GKR Hemas, Ketua DPRD Papua, Ketua Komite I Alirman Sori.

LIPUTANSATU-Jakarta. Indonesia dapat menjadi negara yang maju dengan memulai pembangunan dari kawasan Indonesia timur. Hal ini di ungkapkan Ketua Senat (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah) Republik Indonesia Irman Gusman saat beraudiensi dengan perwakilan masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua (DPRP), Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP), Gubernur Papua dan Papua Barat, serta Menteri Dalam Negeri di Ruang GBHN Nusantara V, Komplek MPR/DPR/DPD RI.
Irman mengatakan DPD RI terus berusaha memperjuangkan keadilan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Papua, serta mendorong akselerasi pembangunan di tanah Papua diantaranya dengan mengusulkan kepada Presiden SBY agar sisa anggaran 2011 yang berjumlah sekitar 20 triliun dianggarkan untuk pembangunan kawasan Indonesia timur diantaranya Papua, Papua Barat, dan NTT.
Pemekaran wilayah diakuinya merupakan salah satu solusi untuk memajukan kawasan Indonesia Timur. Pembangunan kawasan Indonesia Timur dapat dilakukan secara merata karena masing-masing Provinsi yang dimekarkan dapat mengajukan anggaran unruk pembangunan daerahnya.
“Pemekaran Papua memang memerlukan proses yang panjang, namun DPD akan tetap konsisten untuk menindaklanjuti aspirasi pemekaran tersebut”, tegas Irman.
Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Ketua DPRP John Ibo mengemukakan pemaparannya dengan pertanyaan utama, “Otonomi Khusus untuk Siapa?”. Menurutnya selama ini aspirasi yang masuk ke DPRP sekitar 90% mengenai keluhan kondisi masyarakat Papua.
“Salah satu hambatan dalam pembangunan masyarakat maupun pembangunan infrastruktur di tanah Papua adalah faktor geografis dan keterisolasian wilayah. Oleh karenanya, muncul desakan untuk memekarkan wilayah Papua” tutur John Ibo.
Menurut John, idealnya pembentukkan provinsi di Papua dilakukan berdasarkan 7 wilayah adat, yang nantinya dapat dibagi ke menjadi Provinsi Papua, Provinsi Papua Tengah, Provinsi Papua Utara, Provinsi Papua Timur, Provinsi Selatan, Provinsi Papua Barat, dan Provinsi Papua Barat Daya. Pemekaran tersebut akan dilakukan secara bertahap, dengan memprioritaskan 3 provinsi untuk tahun 2013, yakni Provinsi Papua Tengah, Papua Selatan, dan Papua Barat Daya.
Dilain pihak, Ketua Majelis Rakyat Papua Timotius Murib menyesalkan bahwa selama ini banyak masyarakat papua ‘lompat pagar’ ke pusat sehingga MRP tidak diberdayakan dengan baik.
Senada dengan Timotius, Ketua DPRD Papua Barat, Jimmy D. Ijie menyayangkan hingga kini baik legislatif  maupun pemerintah pusat tidak pernah terdengar mengajukan usulan RUU pemekaran Provinsi Papua ataupun membuat grand design tanah Papua ke depannya.
“Padahal, melihat luas wilayah dan banyak suku di tanah Papua, sudah selayaknya dilakukan pemekaran guna mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat Papua. Masyarakt Papua harus dipertahankan dengan jalan pemekaran”, kata Jimly.
Dalam audiensi tersebut, sejumlah inisiator pemekaran wilayah Papua mengungkapkan bahwa pemekaran Papua bukanlah keniscayaan. Diantaranya, Ketua Tim Pemekaran Provinsi Papua Barat Daya, Yosafat Kambu mengatakan salah satu solusi permasalahan yang ada di Papua saat ini adalah pemekaran wilayah.
Yosafat Kambu menyesalkan kebijakan moratorium untuk pemekaran daerah. “Masyarakat Papua berharap pemerintah dapat bertindak bijaksana dengan membuka peluang pemekaran untuk wilayah Papua”, tegasnya.
Menanggapi hal tersebut, Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi mengatakan bagi pemerintah sangat penting untuk mengetahui bahwa seluruh masyarakat Papua memiliki pandangan dan sikap yang sama terhadap usulan pemekaran Provinsi Papua.
“Penting bagi pemerintah karena kalau sikap masyarakat dibawah berdeda-beda, ada yang mendukung tapi ada juga yang menolak, maka pemerintah akan serba salah”, jelas Gamawan.
Pemekaran harus diatur dalam suatu mekanisme dan persyaratan tertentu, supaya tidak menimbulkan gonjang ganjing dan tidak ada masyarakat Papua yang memprotes bahwa asprirasinya tdk didengarkan.
“Pemekaran merupakan hipotesa awal yang masih perlu pengkajian. Ketika pemekaran  berhasil maka akan menjadi kesenangan utk semuanya, tapi kalo tidak berhasil itu harus tanggung jawab bersama juga. Untuk itu, diperlukan kajian yang mendalam agar  jangan ada penyesalan dikemudian hari”, tegasnya.
Tambahnya, saat ini pemerintah tengah mengkaji dari berbagai aspek penataan wilayah Papua. Bahkan pemerintah telah membuat grand design atas wilayah Papua.
“Kami telah siapklan grand design atas pemekaran Papua hingga menjadi 5 Provinsi, namun hal itu masih memerlukan kajian secara mendalam dari berbagai aspek”, ungkap Gamawan.(SP/D/RAC)

Selasa, 20 November 2012

6th Annual United Bike Bicycle Day: Asia Pacific Downhill Challenge 2012 Bersama UNITED BIKE

WORLD TOILET DAY 2012: Membangkitkan Kesadaran tentang Peran Vital Toilet dalam Mendukung Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Setiap Orang

Dari Kiri: Nadia Mulya – MC & Moderator, Perwakilan The Community of Sanitation Entrepreneur of Grobogan, Haikel Fahim – Advocacy & Communications Manager World Toilet Organization, Sjukrul Amien – Director of Residential Environmental Health Development (PPLP, Pengembangan Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman) of Ministry of Health, Nurmahmudi Ismail – Walikota Depok, Ennie Boediardjo Satoto – Indonesian Toilet Association, Maraita – Bappenas, Vina Panduwinata – Artis Pendukung, Ebes Rasyid – iPhonenesia, Fardila Astari – Client Service Director of Fortune PR.

Jumat, 16 November 2012

SENATORINDONESIA.COM: In the slipstream of the DTM winners: BMW M Perfor...

SENATORINDONESIA.COM: In the slipstream of the DTM winners: BMW M Perfor...: BMW M3 DTM, BMW 335i retrofitted with BMW M Performance Parts (10/2012)   In the slipstream of the DTM ...

In the slipstream of the DTM winners: BMW M Performance at the Essen Motor Show 2012.

BMW M3 DTM, BMW 335i retrofitted with BMW M Performance Parts (10/2012)
  In the slipstream of the DTM winners: BMW M Performance at the Essen Motor Show 2012.
BMW celebrates its triple triumph with a newly designed appearance at the international tuning fair – stand design in race track style – tyre change contest using original DTM equipment - world premiere of the new BMW 3 Series Touring with BMW M Performance accessories.

Munich/Essen. Just a few weeks after the triple triumph at the German Touring Car Masters (DTM), the BMW appearance at the Essen Motor Show 2012 is inspired by the brand's sensationally successful comeback season. The current BMW M Performance range is presented at the international tuning fair, celebrating the success of BMW in the driver, team and manufacturer rankings. The retrofit products from the program of Original BMW Accessories perfectly exemplify the intensive transfer of technology from motor racing. The range of products from the areas of drive, suspension, aerodynamics and cockpit is currently being extended to other BMW models. At the Essen Motor Show from December 1st - 9th 2012, visitors will be able to see the world premiere of the BMW M Performance accessories for the new BMW 3 Series Touring (available from April 2013). There will also be an attractive program of activities to create DTM atmosphere and motor racing flair at the exhibition stand, which covers a surface area of approximately 480 square metres. For example trade fair visitors will be able to take part in the "Pit Stop Challenge", demonstrating their tyre-changing skills on a DTM racing car or be able to obtain BMW DTM driver’s original signatures at one of the autograph sessions.

"BMW M Performance accessories create a link between our cars on the race track and the sporty BMW serial production models," says DTM driver Martin Tomcyzk. As the driver of the BMW M Performance Accessories DTM for the BMW Team RMG, the 2011 DTM champion contributed to the overall victory of BMW in the manufacturer rankings. BMW M Performance products are created specifically for each model and produced in close collaboration with BMW M GmbH. This means that BMW drivers who are racing enthusiasts and especially value high performance are able to profit from longstanding experience and race-winning expertise when they opt for a BMW M Performance product. What is more, the BMW M Performance range is characterised by authentic design and uncompromising premium quality.

The breadth of this program of products offering finest performance at first hand is due to be extended as of spring 2013. The Essen Motor Show 2012 will feature the first display of retrofit products designed for the new BMW 3 Series Touring. For example, the BMW 320d Touring on show will be fitted with a BMW M Performance Power Kit, which increases the peak output of the 2.0 litre diesel engine from 135 kW/184 bhp to 147 kW/200 bhp. In addition, the five-door model has a BMW M Performance suspension with a particularly sporty set-up as well as a BMW M Performance brake system. The 20-inch M Performance light alloy wheels of the Touring model feature a double-spoke design and the bi-colour look in Ferric Grey typical of BMW M Performance with burnished spoke fronts. Meanwhile the interior of the BMW 3 Series Touring also has a touch of racing flair to supplement the model-specific BMW M Performance exterior components. The range here includes a BMW M Performance sports steering wheel with Race Display, BMW M Performance stainless steel pedals, interior strips in Alcantara and carbon and numerous other interior components finished in carbon. In the latter, a new, open-pore type of carbon is used featuring a matt structure which perfectly matches the Alcantara surfaces.

The BMW 320d Touring fitted with BMW M Performance products is literally presented right on the ideal line at the Essen show. For the first time, the exhibition area is designed in the style of a race track with the models on display occupying their positions on a left-right chicane complete with painstakingly recreated curbs. In addition to the new BMW 125i there is also a BMW 120d of the predecessor generation, a BMW 535i Sedan and a BMW M3 Coupé - all featuring the maximum scope of BMW M Performance products.

There will also be a BMW M3 DTM positioned in the "pit lane" of the trade fair stand. This vehicle will be used for the "Pit Stop Challenge" - a competition in which participants have to change tyres as quickly as possibly using original DTM team equipment. The racing workshop character of the exhibition area is further enhanced by numerous exhibitions which show technical details of the BMW M Performance components. There is also an interactive configurator which provides a precise overview of the range of products available for each specific model. Meanwhile the current product program is available at the BMW Accessories and Lifestyle Shop at attractive trade fair rates. Visitors to the Essen Motor Show can also obtain a voucher which gives them reductions on accessory products purchased from participating BMW dealerships and service partners.

The BMW appearance at the Essen Motor Show 2012 continues the brand's involvement in this event as started last year with a wide range of new attractions. Racing-inspired accessories for BMW models turned out to be highly popular among fans of sporty and individual automobiles last year. Once again this year, the Essen Exhibition Centre will be an international meeting point for exhibitors and visitors who share a passion for motor racing. The organisers are expecting some 340,000 visitors to the fair, which will be held for the 45th time.

SOURCE: Corporate Communications
Kai Lichte, Product Communications BMW Automobiles

Ralph Huber, Head of Product Communications BMW Automobiles

Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.de

The BMW Group
The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.

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